IPSF-World Champions Hanka & Maaike - duopole December 2 - 3pm - €35 pro persoon (€70/duo)

Artistic duo Hanka & Maaike have been training together for several years now. They already conquered the title of Dutch Duopole Champions several times and were able to put the cherry on the cake this autumn by becoming IPSF World Champions. Thanks to their artistic interpretation and story being told when pole dancing. What to expect for this workshop? Unexpected, flowy and puzzly combinations. As Maaike added: we have options for all pole levels, just enjoying ourselves whilst being creative with the pole. If this is your first experience with duo pole it would be a bad idea to take on to crazy and dangerous stuff from scratch. 

Time? We start at 3pm and finish at 4:30pm
Level? Being able to invert. No previous pole doubles experience required
Cost? €35 pro participant, €70 pro duo. No doubles partner? No problem! We'll team you up with a 'pole partner' for the workshop

Register through mail and transfer the subscription fee to Poledance Antwerp - IBAN: BE30 7360 4412 9711, BIC: KREDBEBB. No refunds

Marleen Cousin
+32 479 59 66 28
Oudaan 14
2000 Antwerpen